What! I can heal in the winter?



Do you dread winter and all the health problems that come with it?

  • Lack of energy and moments of tiredness in the day

  • Colds, flu, gastrointestinal problems that take away your precious time

  • Feeling depressed, lack of enthusiasm for life 

  • Foggy mind, weak memory, and cognitive difficulty 

Winter is not to blame.

It's rather the lifestyle you've slipped into without knowing, that weakens your system. All those symptoms are telling you that you need to change your habits.

We don't really think of our relationship with sunlight and the rhythm of the day. In other words what directs our circadian rhythm. Neither did I until a year ago when I became aware of things I would like to share with you. 

By establishing a healthy winter circadian rhythm, you can take advantage of the winter months instead of suffering with the seasonal ills.

When you live in sync with the seasons and the daily rhythms that change with the quality of the light coming from the sun, you can even make winter a season to heal.

For example one of my habits (and yours probably too) was to spend a lot of time indoors because of the cold, rain, wind and dreariness. And since it is dark outside for longer hours, we live in artificial light much more. 

And that is where the problem lies. The light from the sun which we have evolved with for millennia has a very different frequency spectrum than today's light bulbs.

The sun emits frequencies that are different at different times of day. These frequencies have beneficial effects on your physiology.

UVA light helps to balance stress hormones, reduces blood pressure and produce the happy hormones serotonin and dopamine. 

It's not because it's winter that you are depressed. It's because you don't go outside in the light of the sun. It has positive effects on you even if it's rainy, cloudy, snowy, grey and you can't directly see the sun.

Ultra violet A is antiinflammatory, dilates the blood vessels reducing high blood pressure and can reduce the risk for cardio vascular disease.

The invisible infra red light protects your skin from the signs of ageing and supports collagen production. It contributes to energy production by the mitochondria, those minuscule factories in your cells that were thought to only use glucose to make ATP, the energy currency used by the cell. 

We now know that the mitochondria also use the sun's infrared light to make that energy that we so crave.

And now I come to my point.


In winter when you spend most of your time indoors under artificial light that only emits blue light, you are depriving yourself of all the benefits of the different frequencies that the sun gives you throughout the day. 

So you see it's not winter's fault. You just need to change your habits. 

In my program Renaissance (aptly named as my client Geoffrey said), now I also include, in addition to the rest of the program:

  • How to use the sun's light for your health

  • How to manage artificial light 

  • And how to reestablish a circadian rhythm that contributes to your wellbeing


Because there is an art and science to that too.

Do you want a rebirth? We can talk about it.

Answer this short questionnaire to sign up for a free conversation with me.  

I will then contact you to set up your appointment. During our conversation you will gain clarity about what you need to elevate your health to a much higher level than what it is today.

To your fabulous health, come 🌧️ or ☀️ !


Nutritional therapist, coach and genetic eating expert



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