Get your energy back
Are you tired most of the time? Fatigue is rampant in this day and age.
Do you feel it as well?
Finding that ONE key to unlock your energy is a lost cause. What you need is a whole bunch of them.
You may start out searching the internet for an easy solution that doesn't take much effort.
Or a friend gives you a tip that worked for her, like my client who followed the advice of a friend who told her that being vegetarian was the way to go (her story is below).
"Before working with Karen I went through a period of being vegetarian because a friend of mine told me it was the right choice. I felt like I was poisoning myself and with all those plant proteins I gained 5 kilos! My blood pressure was higher than before and I felt bloated.
Now I am generally less stressed, more cheerful every day and I get less upset. I feel more calm and serene and my stomachaches are a thing of the past.
I feel better in my head and in my body even if I still have some weight to lose.
Thank you life for opening the door to this new way of living. Thank you Karen for your excellent coaching. I finally feel alive again!" Brigitte Benais
Finding the right foods for her type was one key for Brigitte's health. We also used others to unlock a situation that she no longer wanted to be in.
Fatigue can be accompanied by other symptoms like:
Mood swings
Getting angry easily
Weight gain
Sluggish digestion
Disrupted sleep patterns
Not wanting to do any exercise
Difficulty concentrating and memorizing
If you are a woman with responsibilities towards your employer, your own business, your family and yourself, you need to have plenty of stable and reserve energy, you can always count on.
Fatigue is the ill of the century. Even a holiday will rarely be the solution to give you your energy back, the kind that is always there in the background and easy to tap into.
Being tired after a full day or a week at work is normal. A good night's sleep or a week-end of rest puts you back on your feet.
The type of fatigue I'm talking about is the one that's always there: when you wake up in the morning, at intervals during the day, even after 2 weeks of vacation.
It's that type of fatigue that you need to take seriously. Go deep to find out what your unique solution is. Find that bunch of keys.
I can help you.
Do you want to talk about it? Then sign up for a conversation with me.
We'll look at your health together so you get a clear idea of what you need.
Please fill in the short questionnaire (at the bottom of this page) so I get to know you better. Then I'll contact you to set up a time for our call.
It's free, but know that working with me is not for everyone.
You need to have an open mind, the deep desire to change and the willingness to stay the course so you get results (most often my clients are surprised by how fast they see deep changes appear).
Shine for yourself and others in your life!
To your fabulous health.
Fed up with being tired?
Get my free guide, 7 Daily Practices to Jump Start Your Energy and also receive my emails. People say they are “eye-opening”.
Work with me
Do you want to get your energy back and start LIVING again? Ask for a free conversation with me.