How to eliminate fatigue and mediocre health to have a highly performing body and mind



Do you know what you need to be successful in your private and professional life ? ENERGY !

A level of energy you can tap into whenever you need it and a state of health that supports you 100 %.

Perhaps you’ve burned out at work, been through a lot of stress these past years, or just feel you want more energy to live life fully. If you’ve tried many methods, read many books, cried many tears and feel you are treading oatmeal…

… I can show you a way that you probably haven’t explored.


The 4 elements of a highly performing body

Do you feel you could have so much more energy to be fully active in your business, your career, or your private life?

Have you tapped into your energy reserves so much lately that you feel there is nothing left to tap into?

With RENAISSANCE, THE private program for those who want energy, excellent health and the ideal weight for their body, I hold you by the hand to help you increase your energy, elevate your health and lose weight (if that is your desire) while optimizing your genes with the 4 key elements of a high performing body:

  • EAT the foods that are right for you

  • DIGEST optimally for maximum absorption

  • DETOX to liberate your cells and your genes

  • HEAL FROM STRESS that messes with your energy and health

It’s simple. Very simple. You just need to know what YOU need. It’s personal and your genes have their say.

My expertise and experience allow me to show you the way. The rest is your responsibility.  Are you ready to take it?


  • Tired in the morning and full of energy when everyone else goes to bed

  • The so called “healthy” foods leave you tired and bloated

  • You get angry easily, are impatient, irritable and often in a bad mood

  • You have much less energy than before

  • Coffee? You count on it to keep you going

  • Anxiety and nervous tension are your daily fare

  • You catch every bug that comes your way

  • You push yourself to get things done and are using your last reserves  to get through the day

  • You are depressed for no reason

  • Your aches and pains slow you down

  • After all sorts of medical tests you are told: “Nothing’s wrong”, but you still don’t feel well

  • You’ve cut out gluten and milk products with mediocre results

  • You are disappointed with THE diet that everyone is talking about

  • Waking up after a restorative nights sleep is a memory of the past

  • Your partner wonders where your libido has gone


  • Wake up in the morning full of energy and go to bed ready for a full night’s regenerative sleep

  • Feel calm and peaceful and confident, even when something should have been done…yesterday

  • Learn which foods to eat to give you energy and the feeling you are burning the right fuel

  • Make you aches and pains a thing of the past

  • Go easily about your day and return home ready for a romantic evening

  • Know, at the lightness of your step, that your ‘Joie de vivre’ has returned

  • Lose a few pounds without even trying

  • Heal your body from past stressful events and know how to protect yourself in the future


    And the BIGGEST BONUS of all? Your friends tell you: “You look younger, what have you done”?

    All these results and more are those of my clients. Real, long lasting and often fast results.

I created RENAISSANCE to help you increase your energy and transform your health, using your genetic and biochemical individuality.

RENAISSANCE is the result of 25 years of clinical experience with thousands of clients.

Interested? Let’s connect for a quick call so I can make sure I can help you with what you want to achieve so it’s a good fit for both of us. Click here to fill in a short Questionnaire and I’ll be in contact with you.


This program works because it is based on your genetics.

We go through 4 elements, moving from one to the other, taking the time to address them as needed by your health.

When these elements are personalized for you, your body can tap into it’s own healing power.

Give your body food, supplements, daily detox practices and stress management tools it personally needs and you will be giving it the best of what makes it thrive.


Element #1 - Personalized nutrition: eat right for your body to optimize your genes

The first step is to build a solid foundation: eat the foods that are right for you. They are the ones that go deep inside your cells and your genes to promote health.

Some foods that are generally considered healthy may not be healthy for you.

With homeopathy the therapist finds out who is the person who is having this ailment. With nutrition the secret is to choose your food according to your individuality and not only because a food is considered a super food because of it’s nutrient content. It could also contain other substances that are not good for YOUR health.

When you find the right foods that make your cells happy, your energy increases, your digestion improves, you lose weight, you have less aches and pains, your immune system becomes stronger and your brain functions better.

And this can be for the rest of your life because you will have found “your” diet.

Element #2 - It all begins in the gut

If we don’t have any major digestive problems we tend to believe our digestion is fine. When I ask my clients “and how is your digestion?” they usually give me that answer. And then when I go on asking better questions I realize how much stronger their digestion could be:

·       How many bowel movements do you have each day?

·       Do you have smelly gas, bloating, pain in the abdomen?

·       Do you alternate between soft stools and small marbles?

·       Does your stomach feel heavy shortly after eating?

·       Do you feel like you spend your afternoon digesting your meal?

We are what we absorb (not only what we eat). Absorption takes place in the gut. The whole point of eating (apart from the pleasure!) is to give your body all the nutrients it needs to be in excellent health. When digestion is optimal absorption is too.

90% of the interactions between your brain and your intestines travel from your intestines to your brain and only 10% from your brain to your intestines. That’s why your psychological well being depends largely on what’s going on in your gut.  Studies have shown that what happens in your gut can influence memory, thought and concentration processes. They also found out that you can modify your behavior by modifying the bacteria in your gut. An irritated gut can contribute to depression and anxiety.

Your gut holds 80% of your immunity. Do I need to say more? Your thyroid may be underfunctioning (without you being aware of it) and it may come from what’s happening in your gut. Did you know that?

Your digestive system is also the first phase in our body’s detoxification processes.

Element #3 - Don’t be afraid of toxins any more with simple daily practices

Should we be afraid of our toxic world? Yes and no.

Toxins are everywhere today and they affect your health and energy levels. That’s just the way it is. We eat them, drink them, breath them and put them on our skin. They disrupt our genes, clog our cells and keep them from functioning optimally.

As you’ll learn how to support your detoxification systems to eliminate toxins and avoid their accumulation you won’t need to worry any more. With a solid detoxification system your body will be able to cope.  The good news is by eating the foods that are right for you and having a solid digestive system you will already be protecting yourself against the accumulation of toxins

Some of you have more difficulty than others eliminating environmental toxins. It’s genetic. If that’s you you’ll feel so much better once you have the solution.

I’ll give you simple strategies (foods, supplements, daily practices) to include into your every day life to free your cells and your genes from environmental toxins.

Element #4 - Heal from past stress and reboot your hormones

Your core energy comes from your adrenal glands.  Stress is part of life. And your adrenal glands are what enable you to respond to stress while keeping your body in good health. But too much stress for too long disrupts the system and you start feeling tired for long periods, exhausted even and health problems begin to show up.

You may only link stress to your work situation, to difficult personal relationships, to your overwhelming emotions. There are other factors that trigger the stress response just as much and end up exhausting you: chronic illness, chronic inflammation, hypoglycemia, environmental toxicity.

Do you know that more than 80 % of doctor’s visits are stress related?

Stress that happened years ago  (like a burn out) can still affect your energy levels today and they most likely will unless you’ve deliberately done something about it like taking my program RENAISSANCE!

We react differently to stress. Some of you are naturally stressed out without any external stress on the horizon. Others are more resistant. It has to do with your genes. However we all can be affected by the 21st century syndrome: fatigue.

I’ve accompanied hundreds of clients to help them heal from excessive stress with the help of a saliva test that determines the state of your adrenals. This precision test is what helps to get fast results.


This is a private program for YOU individually. It’s not a group program or an info product.

What is included in RENAISSANCE

- 9 consultations. We speak once a month by phone or over Skype.

- Unlimited email access to me as often as needed. I highly encourage you to take advantage of this. When it comes to your health, let’s take care of it right away.

- 15% discount on supplements that I may need to order for you. We discuss this together and you decide. Supplements are not included in the program.

What is not included in RENAISSANCE

If you haven’t done my program IMPULSION to get your SWAMI GenoType, your personal nutrition plan, you will need the tests and kit to find out your blood type, your secretor status and your GenoType, unless you already know them.

There is a 15% discount on these tests and kit after acquiring RENAISSANCE. Here are the prices of these elements should you need them.

  • Blood Typing Kit : 12,75€ (Instead of 15€)

  • GenoTyping Kit : 19,55 € (instead of 23 €)

  • Secreteur Status DNA Kit: 151,30 € (instead of 178 €)

If you have already done IMPULSION, and would like to do RENAISSANCE there is a reduced price for RENAISSANCE compared to the price on this page. To enquire send me an email at

The benefits of this program :

What you learn and what we do in RENAISSANCE is for a lifetime.

I work with you privately giving you highly personalized recommendations. Unlike “one size fits all” programs, RENAISSANCE is a tailor-made program. 

I teach you how to choose the right foods for you (the foundation for every health program) to activate the good genes and silence the bad ones. Most diets are a guessing game where you end up asking yourself: “Is this going to work for me and give me the energy and health I want?” Eating the foods that are right for you bring on rapid results come and have a profound effect going deep into your genes.

Stress is part of life today. The way we react to it is personal and genetic. Adrenal dysfunction (living in a state of stress for way too long, fatigue, and finally exhaustion) is better taken care of when we know exactly which stage you are in. I will also teach you, once your adrenals are strong again, how to navigate stress  without it affecting you in the future.

Digestion becomes a pleasure, when taking into account who you are at a genetic level. Having a strong digestion is the basis of health. Your gut is where 80 % of your neurotransmitters are made and where 80% of your immune system is seated.

Eliminating environmental toxins is an essential part of 21st century life. You don’t need to go through drastic and sometimes damaging detox programs. All you need is to know how to integrate specific practices in your life.

These 4 elements, when put in place together, work synergistically to accelerate your results.  They influence each other and if one is missing, your  health and energy levels won’t be able to achieve their maximum potential. Here are some interactions: stress affects your digestion, your absorption and your detoxification processes. Living with a toxic body puts additional stress on you. Inflammation due to the wrong foods, are a substantial stress on the body. At the same time stress can be the cause of inflammation.

OK, got it. I want the program RENAISSANCE>>


--How is your program different from other health and nutrition programs?

This is not an info product with “one size fits all” information. I give you my full personalized attention and you get full email support as much as necessary. Our work together is based on your genetics. It’s based on YOU and what makes you unique.

--I’ve worked with many nutritionists/dieticians. Why choose your program?

  • Do you have high levels of energy?

  • Do you have an excellent digestion?

  • Do you look younger than your age?

  • Does the food you eat make you feel good and give you renewed energy after each meal?

If your answer is a resounding YES then you probably don’t need my program. If one or more elements I just described are still bothering you, then sign up right away.

-- I’m very busy. How can I make time to do your program?

It all depends on the value you give to having optimal health and energy levels. If they’re not very important to you, that’s OK too.

If it is, you’ll find the time by dropping other activities that take up your precious time and that aren’t of service to your health. In fact, this program doesn’t really take up more of your time. You just need to get organized differently, take up new habits that serve you and that over time will become your new way of life.

With this program you’ll notice that you are more efficient and that you will spend less time doing the same thing. Magically you will create more time !!

-- I don’t have the energy to add another activity to my life

That is precisely the point of this program: to give you your energy back. As you progress in the program you will feel you have more and more energy.

-- I don’t want to go on a diet

This is not a diet that you go on for a specific reason and for a limited time. It’s a learning process for a lifetime. You’ll discover your “diet” that will accompany you your whole life. A lion has it’s own diet, different from an elephant’s. Why wouldn’t you?

-- Can I take the program whenever I want? Is this a permanent offer?

I can only accept a limited number of private clients per month so I can give my best attention to each one of you. As long as the cart is open for payments you can sign up. If the cart is closed you may ask to be put on a waiting list and we will contact you as soon as the program is available again.

-- What happens in the context of family life? Will this program benefit my spouse and children?

This program is for you. However, part of what I teach you (the part about the food) will benefit the whole family. I will show you how to accommodate different genetic types when you share meals.

My greatest desire is to educate you on the fact that we can’t all eat the same thing and expect to be in good health with high levels of energy. Avoiding gluten and milk products is far from the whole answer. So yes, RENAISSANCE will help you expand what we do together to your close family.

If a family member’s health is affecting your health and energy, I’ll help you with that too; however that person will need to seek help on her own.

How do I know if this program is for me?

If you recognize yourself in the following.

My clients have results and sometimes so fast it surprises them. For some it can take longer. The transformation that takes place in your body is profound. And it takes your whole commitment.

You say yes to yourself. If your intention is to get results you will. Be 100% committed towards your transformation. You’re the one to make this program work. You create your success with the tools I give you.

My clients want to invest in their health and they are ready for change, for a RENAISSANCE (a rebirth)! They know that at the base of their emotional, psychological and mental health is a well groomed physiology. They love change, progress and personal evolution.

You are coachable and cooperative. We assist each other mutually to move forward toward our objectives. You see farther that your immediate health and can imagine yourself at 90 with radiant health.

Are you ready NOW?

I’ll be honest with you and give you the reasons why you shouldn’t do this program.

  • You’re looking for fast solutions (the magic pill) that don’t involve much change on your part

  • Your stuck in your habits that tend to decide what you should be doing

  • You’re not ready to change certain aspects of your lifestyle that are contributing to your fatigue and health

  • You’re vegetarian or vegan and are not prepared to change for the sake of your health

If you recognize yourself in one of these descriptions, RENAISSANCE is not for you or perhaps it’s not the right time… and I will still love you!

Know that this program can CHANGE your life like it has done for my clients.


You may ask for a refund up to 14 days after your purchase.

This is my guarantee: if you work in collaboration with me and do the work you maximize your chances of success.

It’s your responsibility to bring the best of you in this work together. The more you invest in our work together, more the results show up fast.

When you become my private client, this is what I can promise:

  • I’ll give you all my personalized attention instead of “statistically significant” information

  • I’ll help you experience the power of eating right and the effect on your physical, mental and emotional well-being

  • I’ll teach you what you need to do to continue to have high levels of energy and the best possible health after the program.

  • I’ll help you experience the joy of seeing your energy increase and your health come back.

  • I’ll motivate you to keep up with the program until your new habits replace the old ones.

  • I’ll listen with compassion and then we’ll move on and take action

  • I’ll hold you accountable for the promises you made to yourself at the beginning of the program

  • I’ll be your success partner in this adventure



Full payment 2750€ (save 210€)


8 payments of 370

(If you’ve already done my program IMPULSION and would like to do RENAISSANCE, please contact me at I have a surprise for you).

You deserve to have the level of energy and health you want

I can help you

Your health is the basis for everything you do in life. Without it you feel like the brakes are on.

When you say yes to this program, you come closer to the person you really are at the heart of your genes: full of energy, vitality and enthusiasm.

Imagine your life in a few months from now and the pleasure you’ll have living it.

Close your eyes and imagine.


Need more answers? Let’s connect for a quick call so I can make sure I can help you with what you want to achieve so it’s a good fit for both of us. Click here to fill in a short Questionnaire and I’ll be in contact with you.


PS The secret to high levels of energy and radiant health is optimizing your genes while you:

  • EAT the foods that are right for you

  • DIGEST efficiently for maximum absorption

  • DETOX to free up your cells and genes

  • Heal from STRESS that messes with your hormones and all the above

Client stories


“I am so much more productive and the stress in my life is well under control”

I was tired and depressed with joint and muscle pain. I am a horse and sportswoman, and manage a riding center. My physical energy is very much in demand. I hesitated to take on a new horse to train because of my lack of strength. My projects were on hold. At home I was irritable with the children.

I had acne since adolescence and to my taste too many allergic rhinitis and hay fever attacks. I often felt discouraged, and lacked a zest for life. I had plenty of ideas without the strength to achieve them.

I was sure there was something to do but how do it alone?

I was looking for someone to guide me and my conversation with Karen got me motivated to move ahead. She told me that what I would learn will be for a lifetime. I liked that.

After the first month I felt an increase in energy. Today after strenuous efforts I recover much quicker and my face has nothing to do with what it was: my acne is almost completely gone!

I am so much more productive and the stress in my life is well under control. If I feel tired, I rest a bit and can soon move on again. I feel so much more peaceful. Taking care of myself has become a well established habit and I want to continue this way.

Jeanne Quinio


“Now, I feel calm and centred, with great mental clarity "


In stressful situations my body would go into a state of utter panic. I only needed that extra letter to write and my coping mecanisms would snap. "I just can't cope" was the message my mind would send out and a feeling of powerlessness would sweep over me . "There is no way out, I just can't do it". I'd get an unpleasant physical feeling of something closing in on me. My sleep would be virtually non existant.

I am in the middle of  a life changing event  – moving to London after having  lived in France for 35 years. This means having  to deal with tremendous emotional, intellectual, financial and physical  upheaval - and all on my own.  Seeing me in the first stages of stress  a couple of months ago, my daughter commented : «  I’m  really glad I ‘m not blood group A like you! »

 I needed help and Karen turned out to be the perfect solution. She gave me supplements relevant to the stressful situation and to my personal genetic way of reacting to stress.

The results are truly amazing. I feel calm and centred, with great mental clarity- not only able to deal with all that needs to be done  –  but  surprisingly enjoying the challenge!  My sleep has also improved greatly.

I am experiencing the results that a supplement program,  well chosen by an expert, can do, versus just listening to advice left and right which would simply add confusion to an already overloaded system! I notice that I have started pacing  myself better  - as if an « inner wisdom « has taken over , restoring a natural rhythm – I get so much more accomplished .

I find myself, at times, observing this new and different « me » with admiration and delight !

- Loucinda Midgley

“Now I’m in a happy communicative mood and my level of energy totally supports me”.

My digestive problems were more and more frequent with gas and bloating becoming very uncomfortable, sometimes leading to spells of dizziness. My Achilles tendon was inflamed. Recently my immune system changed for the worst and I had three colds this past winter. I also felt I was aging fast.

It’s a waste of time to be tired, it affects our mood and is not pleasant for other people.

I wanted to be bursting with energy and be able to walk around Paris with my girlfriends. This lack of drive that made me feel like I put on the breaks always kept me from living my life fully. I also wanted to fine tune my diet. We think we eat in a balanced way but it doesn’t necessarily suit us personally.

At that point I decided to gift myself Karen Vago’s program RENAISSANCE. After only one month my intestins were much better. Today my immune system is back on track and I start the day on a  more upbeat note.

One day at the gym my teacher warned me that my Achilles tendon would hurt (he knew about my weak point). To my surprise I felt nothing.

Now I’m in a good communicative mood and that makes me less tolerant of my complaining friends. I try de help them. They catch on for a while but after that it’s up to them to do the work. 

I feel we need to watch out that nobody blocks us when we are in good spirits. 72 years old is a milestone!

Today I am always game when my friends call me to visit Paris, go to a show or on a trip. My energy is there to support me.



"My whole life has benefited from the results"

I was tired following high levels of stress linked to problems in my life. I do a lot of sports and was conscious that I still had potential and that my performance wasn’t at it’s best.

Before working with Karen I climbed the Mont Blanc a first time. I climbed it again during our work together. The difference between the two ascensions was striking. For the first ascension I didn’t prepare myself nutritionally or energy wise and I had a hard time. The second ascension was like putting a letter in the postbox. When it was over I didn’t think I had taken the same route. These two experiences were like day and night. 

Now when I prepare for a triathlon, I train less and get better results; I cycle and swim much better  without more training. I figure I improved 20-30% and I attribute that entirely to the diet and the work I have done with Karen to improve my tired adrenal glands. It can’t be due to anything else.

I also perform better on a daily basis considering my stressful activity. I have long days and in addition I am involved in regular strenuous physical activity.

Initially I wanted to improve my sports performance and now I realize my whole life has benefited from the results.

- Stéphane Robert

Chartered accountant, “Commissaire aux comptes”


“Now I finally feel good again and my energy lasts from morning till night.”

Before I decided to invest in my health, I was exhausted. It kept me from doing everything: sports, gardening, going out with friends. My family life was a mess. In the evening and on week ends, I couldn’t do anything. Digestion was a hassle. I was in the middle of menopause and my thyroid was also starting to dysfunction.

My husband said to me: “I have lost you”. He couldn’t ask anything of me.

One day I started getting dizzy spells and that’s when I realized I had come to a critical point. The doctors had however told me: “Everything’s OK”. I was following Karen’s newsletter and she gave good advice. I liked her style and the content as well. After my conversation with her, i felt reassured.

Improvement started with my digestion. Then a little while after starting the program the benefits started to accelerate.

Today I feel good. My energy now lasts from morning till evening! I can invite my friends over again, before it was impossible to envision. Lack of energy cuts us off from everybody.

With this energy, I am more productive and I’ll now be able to move ahead with my professional projects. Family life and my relationship with my husband, are better from all points of view.

-Marguerite Maratier


“I’m in good spirits. My life has changed”.

After my breast cancer, I felt I needed help and support; I wanted someone to take charge of me.

In a few years I’ll have retired and want to start a new activity that I am passionate about: help others with Egyptian massage and essential oils. But how was I going to do that if I’m tired, anxious, have joint pains and want to sleep during the day!

As the months went by with my work with Karen I regained my energy (even though I had a stressful job), my knees enabled me to be much more mobile (I had very advanced arthritis) and my stomach burn and acid reflux were gone.

Around me people were saying: “You’re keeping up really well”.

Today I am more daring. I have more energy and can drive my car to go to my trainings. Before, that was unthinkable for me. My character has changed also. I had been in confrontational mode with my work colleagues and now I see things differently. I’m in good spirits. My life has changed.

-Maïté Pommier


"I’m a new person. It’s a rebirth. And I have a flat belly!"

I was sitting around listless at home not being able to get anything done. I still had boxes to empty that dated back to a move that happened 5 years ago, but my exhaustion was just too intense. I felt like a rag. I had all the symptoms of depression but I knew that wasn’t it.

My intestins were not functioning. Since childhood I had a sensitive immune system and recently I ended up with systemic candidiasis.

I was really down in the dumps, with no energy, when I discovered Karen. And then I felt hope again.

My energy went up very fast, however I lacked the motivation to use it. And then all of a sudden, as if a blokage had lifted, i didn’t feel the blues any more and wanted to get moving again.

Aujourd'hui je suis capable de retrousser les manches. Je suis une nouvelle personne. C'est une véritable renaissance. Et j'ai un ventre plat !

Today I’m able to pull up my sleeves. I’m a new person. It feels like a rebirth. And my belly is flat!

I feel alive again, that’s for sure!

- Marie-Claude Caré

"I was flabbergasted with the results. Really very surprised."

Every day I was tired with a lack of vitality. My sports activities were nearly non existant. I had difficulty concentrating and diving into topics. My digestion? I regularly had acid reflux and bloating.

And one thing I couldn’t take any more was the excess fat around my belly.

What I liked in my work with Karen was the fact that it wasn’t a “diet” but a non constricting lifestyle in line with my body’s needs. What I also liked was the deep structured work.

I was flabbergasted by the results. Really very surprised. They appeared rapidly. The first month the weight melted off and my energy took a quantum leap. The increase in vitality happened very fast for me.

I was able to climb to the top of the Mont Blanc in optimal physical condition thanks to my specific preparation before and after the ascension. I didn’t feel tired afterwards. I run effortlessly twice a week and next year my intention is to run marathons. I now feel I’m completely capable.

I feel more confident and the people around me see me in a different way.

PS. I‘m available to anyone who would like more information!

- Olivier


“I feel ready to say: I’m getting back into action!”

For 9 years I had been suffering from very intense acid reflux (GERD). It was painful, I wasn’t feeling well, was tense and my mind was constantly focused on that. Drugs helped me a bit but not enough. One day my doctor ended up suggesting surgery. That’s when I said to myself, I need to try something else.

My wife was working with Karen and I decided to do the same.

I’ve had eczema all my life and regularly was subject to tendinitis. In fact I was often, if not always, in a state of inflammation.

After a few months I felt a great improvement in the acid reflux, the aspect of my health that preoccupied me the most because it took up so much space in my life. My state was also related to a lot of stress and Karen helped me there too.

Little by little I was able to reduce the drugs untill I didn’t need them any more.

Today my acid reflux is gone. I feel ready to say: I’m getting back into action. My life is “normal” again and my mind is free!

- François



Full payment 2600€ (save 280€)


8 payments of 360