Thrive with your tailor-made lifelong eating plan to elevate your health and energy in less than a month*

*In the client stories below you’ll see how fast my clients get results


Imagine having in your hands a fifty page manual that is your personal nutrition plan based on YOUR genetic, biological, physiological and hereditary information.

Imagine being guided to write YOUR unique book at the leading edge of nutrition unlike any thing else out there. It puts an end to ‘one size fits all’ diets that are supposed to suit everyone.

It also puts an end to all the vague information that says each of us needs a different diet. They don’t tell what that is and instead leave you on your own to figure it out.

Well guess what? You don’t have to figure it out on your own because it has already been figured out.

Your diet book exists and it’s called your SWAMI GenoType. Created by Doctor Peter D’Adamo, the concept is rooted in rigorous scientific analysis, the science of epigenetics, his profound knowledge of genetics and the human body and the immense performance of computers. The software integrates a lot of information about you (that you provide) and gives you your very own personalized nutrition report.

A revolution in nutrition is taking place and you can benefit from it starting TODAY!

With my program IMPULSION, I hold you by the hand to get your own SWAMI GenoType.

What are the benefits of personalised nutrition?

With this personalised nutrition plan created for your individual needs, you eat the foods that your body digests and metabolizes without creating an accumulation of toxins et excess waste products that clutter up your cells and affect how your genes function.

  • Your metabolism gets activated and you lose weight. You also begin seeing muscle definition when you eat the foods that are right for you. With age, stress and the wrong diet, your metabolism slows down and your muscles shrink, two ideal conditions to lose your strength and put on weight. Not something you want, right?

  • Your immune system becomes stronger: allergies and inflammation decrease and your protection against microbes increases like the shielding of a medieval fortress.

  • You eat the foods that your body easily digests and metabolizes. Toxins and waste products don’t accumulate to clutter your cells and make you look older.

  • Digestion is a breeze, you absorb your nutrients better and your gut lining repairs itself when your food choices are right for you.

  • Your energy increases and all of a sudden you realize you’re more active, you fit more creative activity into your day and friends and family begin noticing a difference and say: “What have you done?”

One of the biggest advantages of having your SWAMI GenoType?

Your mind is finally free from all the confusion that exists around nutrition. You won’t ever have to wonder what you should be eating again. Your SWAMI GenoType takes into account your biological and genetic individuality to give you all the information you need to take control of your health, your longevity and your LIFE, because, as one of my clients said “Its life changing”!

SWAMI GenoType: A practical and highly personalised guide

With the SWAMI GenoType, nutrition has taken a big leap to a level it has never reached before. It gives a very practical dimension to epigenetics that everyone is talking about. You’ll be able to influence the majority of your genes so they work in your favor and reduce to silence the genes that could lead to disease.

That’s why SWAMI can give you such a degree of nutritional personalisation. 

The SWAMI GenoType software integrates information given by your genetic markers such as your blood type, your secretor status, some simple body measurements (that give valuable information on your health risks and your genetic constitution), your health history (your’s and your family’s).

Technically it’s the result of 12 600 000 calculations effected on the nutritional value of 800 foods and your personal information to determine the foods that are best suited to you.

Programming SWAMI GenoType was a mammoth task, undertaken by a scientist who had both the date and the programming skills to bring it to life. Doctor Peter D’Adamo is world renowned expert in nutrition and genomics. He wrote the the SWAMI GenoType diet software to harness the power of computers and artificial intelligence, using their tremendous precision and speed to tailor unique, one-of-a-kind diets for each individual.

The manual you receive is easy to read and full of practical easy to understand information. It includes :

  • personnalised recommendations and targeted information (forget about generalities that are supposed to work for everyone)

  • food lists right for you according to the multiple criteria that you entered into the software, including those linked to your blood type.

  • a detailed description of your GenoType so you can better know yourself and understand how your metabolism functions. you finally have the answer to: “Who am I?

Your SWAMI GenoType is a wealth of information describing your inner workings, how epigenetics can be made to serve you so your genes express themselves to favor your health, your weight and the energy that will support you in your life.

With your manual you’ll learn:

  1. Food lists that are right for you.

  2. A detailed description of your GenoType to understand who you are and how your physiology works in light of your genetics.

  3. Recipes and a menu planner.

  4. What a healthy plate looks like for YOU.

  5. How your unique digestive and immune systems work.

  6. How to combine your food to multiply their effect on your genes (we are in the era of epigenetics and we now know that the majority of our genes can be influenced by our environment, the most important element being our food).

This tailored-made nutrition manual is based on you and your unique metabolism. That’s what gives it its power, in comparison to other diets that give general advice on healthy eating based on statistics. You are not a statistic you are unique.

This program is for your if…

  • You want more energy to thrive in your business, your career, you personal life.

  • You have recently burned out and want to eat right to shorten your recovery time.

  • You finally want to know which foods are going to raise your energy and support your health for a lifetime while acting on your genes to optimize their expression.

  • You want to live a long life and maximize your chances of remaining in full possession of your physical, cognitive and emotional well being.

  • You’ve tried all sorts of ways to eat (paleo, keto, Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan, 100% raw, and even fasting) with tiny results.

  • You’ve done food intolerance tests that made you even more confused

  • You have a burning desire to find the food that’s right for you and refuse to try yet another diet.

IMPULSION is here to support you.

What’s the point of having my SWAMI GenoType?

The work behind this highly precise manual is enormous, integrating deep knowledge of the human body linked to your genetics as well as the rigorous precision enabled by computer programming.

You’ll have in your hands an actual book that you can use for the rest of your life because it is your personal book.

The basis of every personal health program is eating the foods that precisely respect your individuality. Without that you are sailing in a sea of possibilities asking yourself if what you eat is really right for you. And what is right for you is not necessarily what your mind chooses.

“An individualized approach of the patient is the key to releasing the many latent healing powers in the human body.” Doctor Peter J. D’Adamo

This eating plan that fits you like a glove, is designed to make your genes work in your favor, to promote health, longevity and energy.

With your SWAMI GenoType your genes are nourished so they can express themselves in a healthy way. Epigenetics is a new science that brought light to the fact that our genes don’t determine our health; they are not our destiny. 75% of our genes are influenced by the environment in which they evolve and the food you eat is perhaps the most important factor.

With your SWAMI GenoType, you get the answers to the following question “Who am I?” in a detailed description of your genetic profile to help you avoid certain health issues characteristic of your genotype.

How does it work?

With my program IMPULSION, I am your guide to set up your SWAMI GenoType, your definitive eating plan that you can follow for life. Here’s how it works :

1.     As soon as you have bought the program you receive a first email with all the instructions you need to gather the information to set up your SWAMI.

2.     Between this first email and your first consultation you send off your Secretor Test Kit to the lab in the US (unless you already know your secretor status) and assemble all the information required in the GenoType Kit. Send it all to me so I can check  we have all the data we need to run the SWAMI software.

3.     You then have your consultation with me to set up your SWAMI and with a last click out comes your personal nutrition manual !

4.     You have unlimited  access to me via email as soon as you purchase IMPULSION and until one week after your consultation to clarify any points and ask questions that may come up.

What you will need to gather the information required to run the SWAMI software:

Worry not. It’s really simple.

There are some elements of information that you need to gather and that rely on 2 tests and one kit.

- Know your blood type

Most of you already know your blood type. If you don’t you can buy a Blood Typing Kit in my online shop (see below) at 15% off.  It’s a simple home kit that gives you your blood type within minutes of doing the test. You can buy this if needed after you purchase IMPULSION.

-Discover your secretor status

This is the next step in understanding your genetic individuality. Your Secretor Status can be determined through DNA analysis that looks for a specific gene, FUT2. Being a secretor or a non secretor has a big impact on your health and food choices.  That’s why you need to find out your secretor status. You can buy this if needed after you purchase IMPULSION.

-Get the Genotyping Kit

You will need the Genotyping Kit to collect valuable information needed for your SWAMI GenoType. It’s also in the online shop . See below how to order with a 15% discount. You can buy this if needed after you purchase IMPULSION.

- What the kits will cost you (if you need them)

  • Home Blood-Typing Kit: 12,50€

  • Genotyping Kit : 19,25€

  • Secretor Status Collection Kit: 145,95€

( I will tell you, after your purchase of IMPULSION, where you can buy the test and kits: from my online shop or the UK if you prefer)

Get your personalized diet report NOW and find out what to eat to optimize your genes and have a high performing body.


The investment for IMPULSION is 395€.

(Reminder: Kits and tests are not included in the price of the program)

Full payment 395€ (save 45€)

2 payments of 220 €


What does SWAMI mean ?

SWAMI is the acronym for Serotyping With Advanced Modifying Inventories.  Serotyping is the process that uses blood types to generate diet recommendations. Advanced Modifying Inventories refers to all the other information  (fingerprint analysis, measurements, etc) that the software program uses to refine your SWAMI GenoType manual.

When does the program begin ?

You start out by getting organized to collect the information we we’ll need as soon as you purchase IMPULSION. If you already know your secretor status and you have the Genotyping Kit, your consultation can be as soon as 14 days from now.

If you don’t know your secretor status, plan for a month to get your results back. In the mean time collect the answers to the questions in your Genotyping kit . Your consultation can be in about a month after you send off your Secretor  Status Collection Kit.

I’m a bit confused and I have the feeling there are a lot of complicated things to do.

Don’t worry. I explain everything in detail in an initial email. The kit instructions are very clear and easy to follow.

You have one test to send off to the USA by registered mail with an acknowledgment of receipt.

I fill in the SWAMI GenoType myself with your participation. You will just need to answer questions and receive your manual as soon as I clicked on the send button.

Then we look at the content of your SWAMI GenoType together, I explain how to use it and in the week after you have unlimited access to me by email to answer all your questions.

Is there a refund policy ?

I have seen so many benefits from the program that I believe you will too.

However, if within 14 days of your purchase you find out the program is not for you, you can request a refund, no questions asked.

How much will it cost me  in addition to the program IMPULSION ?

Nothing, if you already know your blood type, your secretor status and if you already have the Genotyping Kit.

The extra cost depends on what you need. Here are the prices of the kits. in my online shop.

  • Home Blood-Typing Kit: 12,50€

  • Genotyping Kit : 19,25€

  • Secretor Status Collection Kit: 145,95€

(The prices for the test and kits are ex VAT)

Should you need these kits and tests (some of you already have the information), you will be able to buy them after you purchase IMPULSION.

(If you prefer to purchase from the United Kingdom I will tell you where you can buy the kits)

Why is the price of the programme in € ?

Because I am in France.

How can I contact you if I have any other questions ?

Click here to jump to the contact form.

IMPULSION is the answer to your dreams if:

1. You are passionate about health and nutrition (without being obsessed !). Personalisation and precision are concepts that attract you. You are ready to take the leap to give up generalisations forever and embrace the leading edge to discover the foods that are right for you according to your genetics.

2. You haven’t yet found the long term answers for your health, your energy and your weight. You’ve been seeking for a long time and getting tiny and short term results.

3. You accept the idea that all foods are not good for everyone. Avoiding gluten and milk products are not the right recommendations for everyone either.

4. You’re not afraid of discipline and are ready to make an effort to discover and experience what your SWAMI GenoType can do for your life… for life.

As soon as you join IMPULSION you will be on your way to get your personal nutrition manual, your SWAMI GenoType, so you can make the best possible choices for your health, your immunity, your weight, your hormonal balance and your vitality.

To your fabulous health!


P.S. If you need help to decide, use the form below to ask me your questions.

P.P.S. This is not a group program. I give you my full attention to make your SWAMI the only diet book you’ll ever need to contribute to solving your personal health concerns.

P.P.P.S. Decide today so the change you’ve been dreaming about can happen NOW.

Client stories

“Once the program was in place, results came immediately”


Isabelle FelicelliI had constant fatigue and suffered from asthma. Ventoline was part of my life for a very long time. I’m a horsewoman and had to stop riding for several years because my allergies were unbearable. My brother would say to me : « You’re always tired ».

I felt  blocked in my personal and professional life. I couldn’t see a way through and I was struggling. As soon as I got on my horse I was afraid my allergies would flare up and that I would need to take medication. I had to organize my life around my fatigue and the obligatory naps if I wanted to last until the evening.

 I wanted a precise and specific approach to my health. I found it iwith IMPULSION. 

Once the program was in place, results came immediately. Now I feel I’m running on the correct fuel. Incomparable ! It’s a great comfort to have found Karen’s program. So important for me. Perfect even.

There’s an alertness in my thinking, I’m moving forward in my projects, and experiencing a whole new quality of life. This is how I feel after only three weeks of implementing IMPULSION. And the cherry on the cake ? Karen is really nice.

 Isabelle Fellicelli

“This is the best thing you can do for yourself”


My premenstrual syndrome was so intense and I was so bloated that I had to buy clothes a size bigger for that time of my cycle. I didn’t enjoy going out with friends  and felt uncomfortable in my own skin. It felt like something was taking over my body.

Within a week my eyes became more clear and my skin much smoother. In two and a half weeks of implementing my personal nutrition program I felt it working on my PMS.

Now it has been a month since I took Karen’s program IMPULSION and my skin is amazing. I have less cravings and my stomach is less bloated. My sleep is better too. By working together with what my body needs I have also experienced a surge in energy. I have not had one migraine headache.

And all this without being 100% compliant, because of business trips in the mean time.

This makes perfect sense to me. There is not one diet for all.

I feel excited to have the best program for me. I know my health will continue to improve with this great knowledge. It is comforting to know that I now have my health bible.

This is the best thing you can do for yourself. Why wouldn’t everybody do it ? After all everything starts with how you feel because it impacts your attitude. I believe 100% in what you are doing.

Linda Slade

“That is the power of precise and personalised eating”


Niall, a special needs child, is 15 years old. His mother Linda Slade (above) says:

« Before doing IMPULSION and getting his SWAMI GenoType, Niall had a constant bloated belly, was very tired (he needed 11 hours of sleep every night) his gums were red and swollen, his skin was very dry. His stress levels were always very high to the point where it was difficult for him to remember every day occurances.

After three weeks of implementing his personalised eating plan, I have seen a huge difference in Niall. He needs a lot less sleep and goes to his karate class twice a week for one and a half hours. Before  he went once a week for one hour and even then with difficulty.

His energy has increased and he is much calmer. The floaters in front of his eyes are thinner and not as long. His skin is much clearer and really nice. Also he doesn’t need snacks anymore.

He’s remembering a lot more in every day life and has started doing more things of his own initiative. The other day he broke a zipper and repaired it himself ! Quite amazing for an adolescent.

Niall volunteered to train as a youth fire fighter for the first time and passed the first level test. Before he would have never done this.

He had been eating according to his group O blood type diet since mid 2018. With the precision of the SWAMI GenoType the changes really came and are more striking. I can’t believe it myself.

It’s so important for a diet to be tailor made for each person, as it is with the SWAMI GenoType. »

Six weeks later : «  Niall’s energy level has continued to increase and he is much more on the ball.

Before he would ask : « could you do that for me ? » Now he does it himself. At school they have noticed that he is able to concentrate longer and his mood is more stable. I believe this has to do with how well he is feeling.

Niall told me that when he’s at school his belly feels heavy (with the meals they serve) and when when he’s at home his belly feels light (with the appropriate meals for him that I serve).

That is the power of precise and personalised eating. »

“I feel my body is going back to it’s natural state of health”


“I was lacking stamina and joy in life and everything seemed like an effort. When I was invited out to dinner I wondered if I my energy would last the whole evening. This is not a good situation to be in when you want to have a social life.

During a webinar Karen spoke of one of her clients who did a lot of sports like me. Hearing of the results on his energy levels motivated me to get started.

Three weeks (only) after implementing IMPULSION, I feel good inside. I am calmer, and don’t feel that state of nervousness any more. I also lost over 2 pounds.

My digestion is good (my intestines were in a terrible state). I often had a runny nose and that is already much better.

Even though I don’t have all my energy back yet (in such a short time that seems normal), I feel my body is going back to it’s natural state of health.”

Catherine Froger, Home organiser,


“What did you do? You look so good!”


“I had spots on my face ever since I was 8 years old.

After trying lots of things to get rid of them (including the classic medications ), I discovered my spots were related to what I ate. However, on my own, I couldn’t figure out which foods were involved.

Fed up with these spots, I decided to take Karen’s IMPULSION program.

After just one month of taking care to follow very precisely my personal nutrition plan (I am very motivated!), my complexion changed and now I only occasionally get a small spot. Recently someone asked me: “What did you do? You look so good!”

My energy increased, I am less tired. My frequent stomach pains are gone. and my migraines too. I don’t feel any frustration in following the diet. If I want a little something sweet, I make it with my ‘personal’ ingredients.

I feel so much better without all these symptoms and I take it all in a spirit of playfulness.“

Brigitte Magris

“In Only 2 weeks I lost 2 kilos and my digestive problems disappeared”


“Before IMPULSION I followed the Blood Type Diet. However I was still very bloated and gassy and wasn’t feeling totally well yet.

With my SWAMI GenoType I was able to refine my diet even more. It suits me better because it’s even more targeted to my needs and metabolism. I followed the number of portions and serving sizes and the other recommendations like doing a physical activity in accordance with my GenoType.

Between my first and second consultation ( only 2 weeks ! ), I lost 2 kilos and my digestive problems disappeared. I have less cellulite and water retention and my legs are fine now.

In this short amount of time my energy started to increase.

The precision of personalized nutrition with the SWAMI GenoType, was the solution for me that made all the difference.”


“After only 2 weeks I can really feel a difference”


“After only 2 weeks of including the SWAMI GenoType in my life, I can really feel a difference and this without any physical exercise. I have more energy, feel better and I lost 1,5 kilos.

I am more optimistic, more dynamic and more aware about what is happening in my body. After meals I don’t feel tired any more. I have more mental clarity.

This in only 14 days AND with a small operation during that time that slowed me down a bit. I was able to take very few pain killers and recovered very quickly. When I deviate from my personal eating plan, I really feel the difference.

This new way of eating is completely to my liking (body and taste wise) and I feel reassured. I was very committed to following the recommendations although I did have some concerns about the organization of it all.

Now I know what suits me best and am finally able to choose the foods that are good for my body!”


“ A friend told me how much better I look!”


“After one year of being a vegetarian and two years on an auto-immune paleo diet (for Hashimoto’s thyroid disease) my improvement was stagnating.

My digestion was still so bad I avoided going out for fear of having symptoms while away from home. That is how uncomfortable it was.

The fatigue was beginning to come back again and I knew I was reacting to some of the foods on the auto-immune paleo diet. I wanted something more specific that would help me go to the next level in health.

After only 10 days into Karen’s IMPULSION program my IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) was nothing like it was before. I had suffered from it all my life and now I was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I know if you don’t have a healthy gut you don’t have a healthy body.

Also around Christmas when I wasn’t able to follow my personalized diet as I wanted to, I didn’t feel as good.  I also caught a cold from my partner. The good news is I noticed that it took me longer than usual to actually catch it and it didn’t last as long.

In this short time I can say that my health is improving every day. And the proof of the pudding? A friend told me how much better I look! “

Corinne Brown

“I feel I’m on the right track to lasting improvement”

Although I’m way past the age to have acne, my face is still covered in acne rosacea. I’ve had it for 25 years and it was beginning to give me complexes. I also had digestive pain and was tired.

I’ve been interested in nutrition for a long time, tried lots of things, took supplements, all without getting the results I hoped for my skin. Taking advice left and right, made me even more confused.

After only two weeks of IMPULSION my skin began looking better and my confidence came back too. Today my skin is much better and I feel I’m on the right track to lasting improvement. My digestion has also improved.

I feel confident. I have good tools now that tell me which foods are right for me and I’m not  unnecessarily avoiding foods that in reality are good for me. That’s relaxing to know.

I’m hopeful for the future and know that I’ll continue to reap results. I know I have more to do to improve my health.  That’s why I’ve decided to do Karen’s INITIATION program.


“My energy is already better, my digestion is good and I gained a (needed) kilo”

For several months I was having digestive problems with acid reflux, bloating and pain. It was tiring me. Sometimes when getting up in the morning I already felt tired and during the day exhausted. I had to push myself to live up to my responsibilities. I had also lost weight which for me is not an option.

With all this I just wasn’t feeling good. I prefer going about my day feeling well.

What I liked about the IMPULSION program, was the personnalisation of my diet. The SWAMI GenoType, at the heart of Karen’s program, is what I found to be the most profound, complete and advanced program in terms of scientific background. To me it’s important to know what foods I need to focus on to build excellent health. This program has given me all the information I need.

After only one month (with a week’s holiday where I couldn’t eat the way I wanted) my energy is already better, my digestion is good, I have less bloating and I gained one kilo ! And this with 80% implementation of the program. 

I can’t wait to see the long term results.


“After a little over 2 weeks I am already feeling a notable difference”

“My digestive system was quite bad and for the last two years I have had acid reflux. I wasn’t sleeping well and felt quite lethargic.

Since following my SWAMI GenoType for a little over two weeks I have been feeling quite full of beans. I sleep better, though still not every night, and my acid reflux went completely away for a few days.

I really noticed the difference when I ate out twice: the next day I didn’t feel so well.

Also I must add that I haven’t implemented my recommendations 100% yet and despite that I am already feeling a notable difference.

I’m committed to following my personal eating plan and can’t wait for further results. “


“ I am so glad I found Karen”

“I have been going around in circles with the health of my gut that I believe ties in very closely with my inflamed skin condition. My joints also bother me at times.

I have implemented my personal nutrition plan (SWAMI GenoType) through Karen’s IMPUSION program, as much as I can at the moment, and that is about 60%.

Already when I wake up in the morning, I feel better and can see how my skin has improved.  My joints are also better. The inflammation has definitely diminished.

If I want a more drastic effect I need to amp things up to reach a 100% implementation of my personal diet plan.

I am so glad I found Karen, and plan to contact her again to complete this testimonial with results from the second phase of implementing my SWAMI !”


Full payment 395€ (save 45€)

2 payments of 220 €